Publicações Recentes

1 - Emergência de Inteligência nos Sistemas - (Academia das Ciências de Lisboa - 2004)

2 - High-speed laser cutting of superposed thermoplastic films: thermal modeling and process characterization - (ELSEVIER - Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol. 42, pg. 27-39, Maio 2004)

3 - Methodologies for determining thermoplastic films optical parameters at 10.6 µm laser wavelength - (ELSEVIER - Polymer Testing, Vol. 23, pg. 307-312, Julho 2004)

4 - Thermal modeling CO2 laser radiation transmission welding of superposed thermoplastic films - (Optical Engineering, Vol. 42, Nº.11, pg. 336-3373, Novembro 2003)

5 - Application of schlieren interferometry to temperature measurements during laser welding of high-density polyethylene films - (APPLIED OPTICS - Vol. 42, Nº. 31, pg. 6327-6334, Novembro 2003)